A distant view of the indigo yarn factory.
This is how the long ropes of multiple ends of virgin yarn were prepared.
View 1 of the ropes of yarn entering the indigo dye range
View 2 of the ropes of yarn entering the indigo dye range.
This shows the crust of oxidized indigo dye floating on top of the dye liquor.
The ropes of yarn are being tensioned and squeezed through a series of rollers
under several tons of pressure.
The ropes being coiled down into containers.
The coiled dyed rope stage being explained to a Japanese TV company's directors.
Winding a rope of dyed yarn onto a beam (large divided spool)
How the beams of parallel wound back onto individual spindles prior to cone winding.
The Know-How for the production of Indigo-Dyed Cotton Yarn can be seen